<aside> 💡 All Axis ambition is to become a B-Certified company by 2025

The adoption of sustainable measures across industries to reduce carbon emissions can save the global economy an estimated $26 trillion by 2030.



Addressing sustainability across all industries is a worldwide priority, and global technology providers are no exception. Graphic technologies, including graphic rendering, cloud computing and complex algorithms, are well-positioned to lead global technology’s commitment to a sustainable future. As the world becomes increasingly digital, ensuring graphic technology is sustainable becomes even more critical.

We are continually working on a new level of compression and data transfer technology to optimise the Internet bandwidth required to use interactive photography to a minimum.

Our cloud algorithms provide resources and assets as close as possible to the end customer to make the global Internet servers less busy.

We are working with strategic technology and conservation organisations, including REBA and Rocky Mountain Institute to make sure our efforts become a world standard for interactive photography providers.

In order to truly lead a sustainable future for global technology providers, All Axis is committing to achieve carbon net-zero by 2025. Within this timeframe, the company plans to:

Full implementation of these green, sustainable practices won’t happen overnight. It’s imperative that industry leaders take responsibility now to reduce energy consumption, before it’s too late. As the world makes the transition to a clean energy future, sustainability is clearly a primary ingredient and priority in driving future economic growth.